Yesterday, 20 April 2021, the 18 boxes of mission books from Dr. Timothy Kiho Park arrived! Praise the Lord!
Dr. Timothy Kiho Park, President of EAST-WEST Center for Missions Research & Development (EWCmrd) sent me an email last 02 March 2021 informing me that he shipped 18 boxes of mission books and 5 boxes of books on language and culture learning. After more than a month, the mission books arrived. We are still waiting for the remaining 5 boxes.
The book donation aims to enlarge our holdings in mission studies. This is in line with the recent directive of our president, Dr. Roberto G. Barredo to revitalize our mission program, the Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies.
Moreover, kindly remember in your prayer the finalization of our Ph. D. ICS proposal. Dr. Timothy Kiho Park will head this program. We anticipate that PTSCAS will be able to offer it this coming academic year 2021 – 2022.

Ruel Chavez
Ruel Chavez is a Presbyterian minister and a theological educator. He has taught several Bible school extensions under Evangelical Presbyterian Mission in the Philippines for the past 20 years. He served as full time faculty member of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary from 2006 to 2009. After eight years, he returned to PTSCAS last 2017, served as the Academic Dean, and now as Business Manager of the institution. His major is in the field of theology, but he also earned 34 units in Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.