PhD in Holistic Leadership and Social Development

TS College and Advanced Studies (PTSCAS) In collaboration with Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) offers a Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program in Holistic Leadership and Social Development.

The goal of the program is to provide post-graduate academic training to those already engaged in Christian service in government, corporate and government sectors, but would need further training and equipping in the field of leadership development and leadership studies leading to individual and societal transformation. It is envisioned, that through this program, more of those in leadership positions in the different sectors of society will be fully prepared to equip others to become agents of transformation in a much wider way.

Broadly speaking, leadership as influence is a much broader platform by which all other disciplines in social sciences are held together. As a field of study and discipline, holistic leadership development, looks at issues related to all other aspects of human development be it sociology, anthropology, philosophy, spirituality and religion, and others thus providing leaders a much wider platform or venue for truth to be introduced as the foundational undergirding of real change, transformation and human development.

We live in a rapidly changing world that requires creative, innovative and entrepreneurial leaders to both cope with the new challenges and also guide various sectors of society to contribute towards the transformation of societies. The PhD in Holistic Leadership and Social Development doctoral program aims to provide leaders, managers and executives with integrative frameworks and tools essential to face the various global and local issues and concerns that are challenging organizations in the world/marketplace today.

Students of this program can earn a much higher level and standard of a Doctorate (Ph.D.) degree at their own time, place and pace. They may specialize in any of the fields covered in the study of leadership. Target applicant-students to this program will be experienced and highly positioned leaders in the religious, private and government sectors who may want to improve their leadership, management and/or research skills, with some hoping to even become credentialed to teach in the academe. Others may seek positions of influence as Christian leaders to effectively become “salt” and “light” of the world in a much broader segment of society and of the nation.

Curriculum/Program of Studies

Core Courses (The Fundamentals in Leadership Development) Total 15 Units
Advance Social Research 1 and 2 6 units
Theology and Philosophy of Holistic Leadership and Social Development: A Biblical Perspective 3 units
Spirituality and Leadership: The Leader and His/Her Spirituality 3 units
Theories of Leadership and Social Development: Perspective and Theory Development 3 units
Cognate Courses (Practice of Leadership: Skills and Context) Total 12 units
Understanding Philippine and Asian Societies and Cultures 3 units
Communication in the Practice of Holistic Leadership and Social Development 3 units
Holistic Leadership and Social Development in Philippine (or Asian) Context: Corporate, Government and Church 3 units
The Practice of Servant-Steward Leadership 3 units
Independent Study Courses (Related to Student’s Dissertation Topic) Total 12 units
Independent Study 1 (with tutorial by dissertation adviser) 3 units
Independent Study 2 (with tutorial by dissertation adviser) 3 units
Independent Study 3 (with tutorial by dissertation adviser) 3 units
Independent Study 4 (with tutorial by dissertation adviser) 3 units
Research, Dissertation Writing and Oral Defense 9 units

For application and more information:

Rex dela Pena, MATS, MM (cand.)