Doctor of Ministry in Reformed Tradition

Introducing the Doctor of Ministry Program at PTS College & Advanced Studies

At PTS College & Advanced Studies, we are proud to announce the addition of the Doctor of Ministry (DMIN) program to our esteemed list of academic offerings. Designed for those looking to deepen their understanding and practice of ministry, this advanced degree program is tailored to equip leaders with the theological, pastoral, and practical skills necessary for effective ministry in various contexts.

Why Choose the DMIN Program?

The Doctor of Ministry program at PTSCAS is not just another academic credential—it is a transformative journey that integrates theological scholarship with the practical aspects of ministry. Our program is structured around the needs of active ministry professionals, offering a blend of online and on-campus learning environments to accommodate the busy schedules of pastors, chaplains, and other ministry leaders.

Program Highlights

  • Customized Learning

Our DMIN program offers a variety of concentrations, allowing students to tailor their studies to their specific interests and ministry contexts. Whether your focus is on pastoral care, missiology, Biblical theology, or another area, our program provides the flexibility to dive deep into subjects that matter most to you and your community.

  • Practical Application

Beyond theoretical knowledge, the DMIN program emphasizes the application of scholarly insights to real-world ministry challenges. Students engage in project-based learning, developing initiatives that directly impact their ministry settings.

  • Mentorship and Community

Learning in the DMIN program is supported by a community of peers and mentors. Students benefit from the guidance of experienced faculty and the shared experiences of fellow ministry professionals, fostering a network of support and collaboration.

  • Spiritual Formation

At the heart of our program is a commitment to spiritual growth. Courses and community life are designed to not only educate but also spiritually enrich, preparing students for a ministry that is both intellectually robust and deeply rooted in faith.

  1. Min. Program Design and Structure

The D. Min. courses in the Reformed Tradition are structured in three sections, so that students can complete their work in about three years without leaving their ministries. The program consists of 24 units hours of seminar/reading, and 12 units hours of Research Project (including oral defense).


First Semester

Second Semester

First Year 2 Subjects (6 units) 2 Subjects (6 units)
Second Year 2 Subjects (6 units) 2 Subjects (6 units)
Third Year *Research Method & Proposal Lab (3units)

*Dissertation (including oral defense 9units)

*Dissertation (including oral defense 9units)

*Oral Defense


Join Us

Embark on a journey of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and practical application with the Doctor of Ministry program at PTS College & Advanced Studies. This program offers a unique opportunity to enhance your ministry, engage with like-minded professionals, and contribute significantly to your community. We encourage interested candidates to register and become part of a vibrant learning community dedicated to making a difference in the world through informed and compassionate ministry.

Download the Program Manual

For application and more information:

Dr. Johan D. Kim (Program Director)

For D. Min. Myanmar/International,
please contact Dr Allan Karr