PhD in ICS Faculty

Dr. Akumla, Longkumer
Biblical Foundation of Mission and Evangelism
Communicating Christ in Cross-Cultural Setting
Understanding Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity
History of Christian Witness, Mission & Evangelism
Contemporary Trends in Mission & Evangelism
Missionary Orientation: Language &Culture Learning
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 1999.
Th.M. in Missiology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 1981
B.D, Union Biblical Seminary, 1975
B.A. (English), St. Joseph College, Darjeeling, India, 1970
Full-Time Faculty, Clark Theological College Since 1975
Director of Evangelism, 1976-1988
Acting Registrar, 1978-1980
Director of Practical Theology, 1977-2002
Academic Dean, 2002-2005
Dean of Practical Ministry, 2005-2015
Member of Administrative Council, 2002-2014
Edited Master’s and Ph.D. Thesis and Dissertation, 19992003, 2014-2015.

Dr. Atul Akhamkar
Urban Mission
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 1995.
Th.M. in Missiology, South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India, 1985
B.D, Union Biblical Seminary, India, 1977
B.A. (English), University of Puna, India, 1974
Research Fellow at Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT. USA, 2014
Director, The National Center for Urban Transformation, 2015-Present
Professor and Head of the Department of Missiology, South Asia Institute of Adavnced Christian Studies, Bangalore, India, 2001-2014
Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Missiology, Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India, 1997-1999.
Senior Pastor and C&MA City Synod President, Pune, India, 1985-1990.
Urban Church Planter and Pastor, Calvary & Suvrutta Alliance Churches, Nagpur, India, 1977-1982.

Dr. Seung Oh An
Biblical Foundation of Mission
Mission Theology
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, 1997-1999, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
Th.M. in Missiology, 1995-1996, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
Th.M., Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission, 1992 – 1994
M.Div., Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, 1988 – 1991
B.A., Sungkyul Christian University, 1980 – 1984
Academic Dean of Graduate School, YTUS, 2019 –
Visiting Scholar, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2009 – 2010
Full Professor of Missiology, Youngnam Theological University and Seminary, 2003 –
Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary, SIS Korean Program 2001 – 2003
Missionary to the Philippines, 1999 – 2003 . Assistant Professor at PTS-CAS,

Rev. Daniel S. Baeq
Missional Hermeneutics
Cultural Anthropology
Short-Term Mission
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies (Cand.), Trinity International University, Deerfield, Ill.
Th.M. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul.
B.A., Joong-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
Ph.D. Dissertation: “A Theology of Relationship: Toward a Missional Hermeneutics on the Go’el Motif as the Family of God Narrative.”
Adjunct Professor, Denver Theological Seminary, Colorad0, CO.
President, Bethel Theological Seminary, Ellicott, Maryland.
Director, Center for Ishmael Blessing, SEED International
Instructor of Cultural Anthropology, Trinity College, Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois.
Senior Pastor, Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church, Ellicott, Maryland

Dr. Nam Jun Cha
Career Transition
Missionary Care
Children Ministry
Doctor of Intercultural Studies (DIS), Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 2018.
M.A. in Counseling Psychology, World Mission University, Los Angeles, CA. 2014.
M.A. in Missiology, Chongshin University, Seoul. 1993.
B.A., Kyunghee University, Seoul, Korea. 1985.
DICS Dissertation: “A Study on the career Transition of Korean Midlife Missionaries: With Special Reference to the Rodem Missionary Care Ministry”
Missionary to Ethiopia, USA, and Tailand 1993-Present
Missionary Care, Rodem Missionary Care, Pasadena, CA, USA and Chiang Mai, Thailand. 2008-Present
Children & Women’s Ministries, and Literacy: Geses, Benshangul-Gumuz, Ethiopia. 2003-2006
Children Ministry, Bahir Dar, Amhara, Ethiopia 1995-1998; 1999-2003

Dr. Tim Chang
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Islam
Intercultural Communication
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary. Pasadena, California., June 2003
Master of Divinity, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Forth Worth, Texas., May 1993
Dallas Theological Seminary. Dallas, Texas. M.A. in Biblical Studies, May 1992
Associate Professor in Global Studies, Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, August 2017 – Present
“Foreign Expert” in American Culture and Language, Beijing Union University (联合大学) in Beijing, China, November 2016 – 2017
Visiting English Professor, Yanbian Ethnic Minority University (延边大学) and Yanbian Ethnic Minority Medical School (延边医学院), January 2009-July 2012
Adjunct Professor in Korean and English, Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary in Los Angeles, August 2004-July 2006 and “Professional in Residence” from August 2013-July 2014
Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
Dr. L. Cho
Intercultural Studies
Leadership Studies
Indigenous Mission Movement
Mission in Creative Access Countries
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 2002
MA ICS, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 1997
MA in Theology, , Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 1995
Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of California at Los Angeles, CA. 1989
MS in Computer Science, University of Alabama at Birmingham. 1986
BS in Computer Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 1984
Director of Inter-Cultural Studies, GETS Theological Seminary, Covina, CA. 2017-Present
Cross-Cultural Missionary, OMF International. 2005-Present
Visiting Professor, Software College, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China. 2005
Professor, Computer Science and Intercultural Studies, JingMei University, Beijing, China. 2002-2003.

Yong Joon Cho
Trends of Contemporary Mission
Mission Leadership Development
Mission & Cultural Anthropology
Holistic Mission
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies. Trinity International University, Deerfield, ILL.
Th.M. in Intercultural Studies, Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois.
M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Dearfield, Illinois.
B.A., Korea University, Seoul, Korea
General Secretary, Korea World Mission Association
International Director, Global Partners
Director, Global Hope

Dr. Kyeong Seop Eom
Church Planting & Church Growth
Systematic Theology
Evangelism and Mission
Ph.D. in International Development (Cand.), William Carey International University, Pasadena, CA.
Doctor of Ministry in Global Ministries, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
MDiv., Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea
B.A., Korean Foreign Language University, Seoul, Korea.
DMin Dissertation: “A Study on Church Planting Ministry Among Gumuz people of Ethiopia,” 2009.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary School of Intercultural Studies
Assistant Research Professor, Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission (ACTS), Seoul.
Visiting Professor, Chongshin University in Los Angeles, USA
Visiting Professor, World Mission University, Los Angeles, CA, USA
General Secretary, Asia Missions Association (AMA) and Asian Society of Missiology (ASM)
General Secretary, East-West Center Missions Research & Development

Dr. Chang Seop Kang
Research Methodology and Writing
Ph. D. in Intercultural Studies, Torch Trinity Graduate University, Seoul
M.A. in English Language Teaching, Nottingham University, U.K.
M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary
Ph.D. Dissertation: “Conversion of Chinese Students in Korea to Evangelical Christianity: Factors, Process, and Types”
Adjunct Professor, Faith International Seminary, Seattle, USA. 2017-Present / Torch Trinity Graduate University, Seoul. 2018.3-Present
Guest Professor, Myongji University, Seoul. 2018.3.-Present
Academic Dean, World Mission Theological Seminary, Suwon. 2008. 6 -2014.
Supervising Research: Ph. D. Intercultural Studies: Torch Trinity Graduate University, Seoul. 2017-Present

Dr. Caleb Chulsoo Kim
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Islam
Power Encounter
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies. Fuller Theological Seminary
Th.M. in Intercultural Studies. Fuller Theological Seminary
PhD Dissertation: “Supernaturalism in Swahili Islam: With Special Reference to the Therapeutic Cults of Jinn Possession.”
Missionary to East Africa since 1989.
Faculty of Africa International University (AIU) in Nairobi, Kenya.
Associate professor of Intercultural and Inter-religious studies (focusing on Islamic studies and Christian witness among Muslims)
Director of the Institute for the Study of African Realities (ISAR) at AIU.
Adjunct Faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary School of Intercultural Studies 2001-Present.

Dr. Chongpae Kim
Missionary Training
Doctor of Ministry in Global Ministries, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea
DMin., Disseration:A Study on Asian Cross-Cultural Training Institute in Singapore.” 2007.
Missionary to Thailand and Singapore,
Director of Asia Cross-Cultural Training Iinstitute, Singaapore.
President, Santipap Mission

Dr. Hee Cheol Kim
Mission Administration
Mission Education
Doctor of Ministry in Global Ministries, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
ThM in Practical Theology, Liberty Theological Seminary, Lynchburg, Virginia
M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea
DMin Dissertation: “A Study On Influence Of International Mission Conventions On The World Missionary Movement – With Special Reference To The Asia Missions Association”
Missionary in Thailand, 2016 to Present
Deputy Secretary – General, 2020 to Present
Managing Director, EWC Asia 2016 to Present
Managing Director, EWC USA. 2014-2016

Dr. Kyongho Koh
Women’s Restoration and Mission
Doctor of Intercultural Studies (DIS), Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA 2019.
MA in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 2015.
MFA, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), MFA, 1994
B.A., University of California Los Angenels, with Honor of Magna Cum Laud, 1990.
DIS Dissertation: “A Study on the Transfer and settlement of Hope for Families. International’s Women Seminar.” ”
Executive Director, Hope for Families International, LA., CA 2011~present
Founder, Author and Women Seminar Ministry, 2009~present
Minister, Women Restoration Ministry, Mission Department, All Nations Church. Lake View Terrace, CA. 2015~Present
Adjunct Faculty. Visual Art Media Art Dept, Los Angeles City College, L.A., CA. 1996~present
Instructor, Cultural Workshops at Korean Cultural Center,. L.A., CA. 1994~1998
Instructor, Education Dept. of Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), LA, CA. 1995~1996

Dr. Benjamin Lee
Leadership Development
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies (Leadership), Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, USA
Th.M. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, USA
M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC, USA
BA in Business Administration, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea
Adjunct Professor, Grace Mission University, Fullerton, CA, USA, 2019 – present
Adjunct Professor, William Carey International University, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2009 – 2022
Principal, Soojung Vision School, Incheon, Korea, 2016 – 2018
Visiting Professor, Inha University, Incheon, Korea, 2009 – 2016
Visiting Professor, Handong Global University, Pohang, Korea, 2008 – 2010
Leadership Development Consultant, Operation Mobilization, 2008 – 2018

Dr. Jae Suk Lee
Biblical Foundation of Mission
Mission Hermeneutics
PhD in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
Doctor of Intercultural Studies, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona lake (Indiana)
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, Calvin Theological Seminary, Gran Rapids, MI
M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea
PhD Dissertation: “Mission As Integrated Witness: A Missional Reading of the Foot Washing Narrative (John 13:1-38)”
DICS Dissertation: “Rethinking Theological Education Paradigm and Curriculum in the Philippines”
Missionary to the Philippines (EWC and GMS) 2005-Present
Academic Dean, Evangelical Mission College, Philippines 2006-2010; 2011-2014. / Chongshin University in USA, LA 2014-2018
Research Librarian, Fuller Theological Seminary, Korean Studies Center, Pasadena 2018-2020

Dr. Seung Il Lee
Missionary Training
Ph.D., University of Wales, Lampeter, UK. (2005)
Th.M., Wales Evangelical School of Theology, UK, (2000)
MA in Missiology, Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission, Seoul, Korea (1998)
M.Div., Hapdong Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea.
B.A., Jeonbuk Suniversity, Jeonju, Korea
PhD Dissertation: “The Emergence, Development, and Influence of the Korea Evangelical Fellowship (KEF) 1981-2002. University of Wales, Lampeter, 2005.
Missionary to the Philippines, Feb. 2006 – Present
Director of Filipino Missionary Training Program, Antipolo, Philippines: June 2008 – Present
Chairman of Filipino Ministry Bank, Antipolo Philippines: June 2008 – Present
Professor, Immanuel Theological Seminary, Dasmariñas, Philippines, June 2008 – Present

Dr. Yong Dol Lee
Intercultural Ministry
Leadership in the Local Church
Doctor of Missiology, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona lake Indiana, USA
Th. M in Missiology, Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea
Master of Arts in Education Management, Batangas State University, Batangas, Philippines
B.Th, Seoul Hanyoung University, Korea
Missionary to the Philippines, 1989-Present
President, Philippines Christian School Network
Moderator, General Assembly Presbyterian Church of the Philippines (2012-2013)
Director, Kings Kids Christian Academy (1995-Present)
Senior Pastor, Batangas Presbyterian Church, Batangas, Philippines(1991-Present)

Dr. Man Soo Mok
Cultural Anthropology
Intercultural Communication
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
M.A. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
M.Div., Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea
B.A., Myeongji University, Seoul, Korea
PhD Dissertation: “The Practices of Macumba in Afro-Brazilian Religions: A Description and Evaluation from A Missiological Perspective”
Missionary to Brazil, 1987-Present
Adjunct Faculty, Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America, CA, USA. 2018-2019 / Juan International University, Inchon, Korea 2016-2017
MTC, Montes Claros, Brazil 2002-2007, Training for Missionary Candidate and Re-Education for experienced ones 2015-Present

Dr. Kyung Hwan Oh
Church Planting
Discipleship Training
Leadership Development
Mission Education in Local Church
PhD in Science and Religion and Missiology, University of Pretoria, South Africa. 2008.
MA in Science and Religion and Missiology, University of Pretoria, South Africa. 2004.
M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea. 1994.
B.A., Kangwon National University, Gangwon, Korea. 1986.
PhD Dissertation: “Korean Missionaries in Southern Africa: A discussion and evaluation of Korean missionary activity in Southern Africa, 1980-2006”
Missionary in South Africa with GMS (Global Mission Society) / SIM (Serving In Mission), 1997.12 – Present.
Senior Pastor, Boitekong Africa Evangelical Church (BAEC), Rustenburg, South Africa, 2001-2004.
Lecturer, International Leadership Center (ILC), Rustenberg, South Africa, 2003-2004.

Dr. Daniel JinKoo Park
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
MA in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
Missionary to Singapore
Senior Pastor of Jeonju Antioch Church
Missionary to Japan

Dr. Esther Park
Intercultural Communication
Cultural Anthropology
History of Mission
Introduction to Mission
Ph.D. University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, UK , 2014.
M.Div. Fuller Theological Seminary, 1999.
M.M., California State University, Fullerton, 1989
B.A., Piano Pedagogy, California State University, Fullerton,1984
Missionary to the Philippines
Director—Manila extension ( M.Div. / M.A. Intercultural Studies),Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Philippines
Assistant Professor—program director, M.A. Intercultural Studies
Full time faculty – Church Music (M. Div.), Fundamentals of Music (undergraduate), OT survey II (undergraduate)
Primary instructor for Music theory and piano performance
Developed syllabus and overall course structure, including weekly lab practicum,

Dr. Suhn Ki Park
Missionary Member Care
Inter-Personal Relationship
Doctor of Intercultural Studies (DIS), Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 2018.
M.A. in Christian Counseling, His University, Corona, CA. 2014.
M.A. in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 2007
B.Ph., Joong-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. 1975.
DIS Dissertation: “A Study on the Conflict Transformation of the Korean Missionaries Through Spirituality of Reconciliation: With Special Reference to the Rodem Missionary Care Ministry”
Missionary to the Philippines (Clinic Director) 1981-1992 / to USA, 1996-Present
Adjunct Faculty, Juan International University, Inchon, Korea 2019-Present
President, Rodem Missionary Care 2008-Present
Lecturer, Missionary Transition Seminar Rodem Missionary Care, Pasadena, CA, USA. 2018-Present
Lecturer, GMS Overseas Missionary Training Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2017-Present
Counselor, School of Counseling in Restoration Ministry ANC Onnuri Church, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2009-Present

Dr. Timothy Kiho Park
Church Planting & Church Growth
Discipleship in Mission
Contemporary Issues in Mission
Evangelism & Mission
Ph.D. / MA in Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 1991/1988.
ThM in Missiology, Asian Center for Theological Studies and and Mission (ACTS), Seoul, Korea. 1982.
Mdiv. (Equiv.), Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul, Korea, 1995.
B.A. (Equiv.), Chogshin University, Seoul, Korea. 1972.
PhD Dissertation: “A Two-Thirds World Mission on the Move: The Mission History of the Presbyterian Church in Korea, 1991.
Senior Professor of Asian Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary School of Intercultural Studies, Pasadena, CA.
President, EAST-WEST Center for Missions Research & Development (EWCmrd)
Editor, Asian Missions Advance (AMA)
President Emeritus, Asian Society of Missiology (ASM)
Honoray Chairman, Asia Missions Association (AMA)

Dr. Chansamone Saiyasak
Theology of Mission/ Biblical Foundations of Mission
Developing Cross-Cultural Leadership/Missional Leadership
Holistic/Integrated Mission
World Religion
Ph.D. in Theology and Religious Studies (Specialized in Religious Studies and Missiology), Evangelische Faculteit, Lueven, Belgium, 2000-2007.
D.Min., Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary,(Theology and Leadership), Tennessee, USA, 1994-2000.
MDiv., Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (Theology and Leadership), Tennessee, USA, 1990-1994.
B.S., Liberty University (Cross-Cultural Studies), Virginia, USA, 1987-1990.
Dr. Saiyasak also studied at Yale School of Management, Said Business School, University of Oxford, and Harvard Graduate School of Education, Taft Law School.
Founder & Chairman, Charisa Technological College, Thailand, 2017-Present
Ph.D. in Theology and Religious Studies, Lueven, Belgium, 2007
D.Min. Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 2000
MDiv., Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 1994
B.S., Liberty University, 1990

Dr. Daniel Shaw
Social Anthropology,
Cognitive Anthropology,
Anthropology of Mission,
Bible Translation,
Communication Theory,
Qualitative Research Methods
Senior Professor of Anthropology and Translation, Fuller Theological Seminary.
The son of missionary parents who served in India and the Philippines.
A Wycliffe translator for 12 years among the Samo people of Papua New Guinea.
An SIL-International Anthropology consultant since 1978 and served on the Mission Aviation Fellowship-US board of Directors
A Lifetime Fellow of the American Anthropological Association and the Polynesian Society.
Active in the Association for Social Anthropologists in Oceania, and the American Society of Missiologists (board member from 2013-2017).

Dr. Yongkuk Sung
Missions Research
Mission Education
Doctor of Ministry in Global Ministries. Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
Master of Divinity in Ministry, Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul
DMin Dissertation: “A Study on Research and Development Ministry of the East-West Center for Missions Research and Development”
Missionary to Thailand (EWCmrd and GMS) 2016-Present
Managing Director, David Cho Missiological Institute (DCMI) 2016-Present
Station Manager, Asia Office of East-West Center for Mission R&D 2016-Present
Mission Program Developer, US Office of East-West Center for Mission R&D 2010-2012

Dr. Marita Viloria
Holistic Mission
Children at Risk
Empowering Women and Children
Doctor of Missiology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 1999
Master in Divinity, Fuller Theological Seminary, CA. 1994
Master of Arts inter-Cultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, CA. 1999
B.S. in Education, University of the Philippines, 1982
Project Consultant, Kalinga Ministry 2017-Present
Executive Director, Kalinga Ministry, 2000-2016
Faculty Member, Wesleyan University-Philippines, 1985-1986
ESL Instructor, World Relief International, 1983-1984
Faculty Member, Grace Christian High School, 1982-1983

Dr. Hee Kyung Youn
Children ministry
PhD in Practical Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
MA in Practical Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
PhD Dissertation: “The educational difficulties of Korean missionary children on the mission field: A narrative- pastoral approach, 2010 ”
Missionary in South Africa with GMS (Global Mission Society)/ SIM (Serving In Mission). 1997.12 – Present.
Supervisor of Sunday School at Boitekong Africa Evangelical Church (BAEC), Rustenburg, South Africa, 2001-2004.
Bible Teacher at Women’s Club at Boitekong Africa Evangelical Church (BAEC), Rustenburg, South Africa, 2001-2004
Bible teacher and Supervisor for Sunday School and Children’s Bible Clubs at Africa Evangelical Church (AEC) in Gauteng Region, 2005 – Present

Dr. Seokwon Yoon
Church Planting
Doctor of Intercultural Studies (DIS) (Cand.), Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
Doctor of Ministry in Global Ministries, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA. 2016.
MDiv., Chongshin Theological Seminary, Seoul. 2003.
B.A., All Nations Christian College, Ware, England. 1998
DMin Dissertation: “A Study On Influence Of International Mission Conventions On The World Missionary Movement – With Special Reference To The Asia Missions Association”
Missionary to Thailand with WEC (Worldwide Evangelization for Christ) 2016 ~ Present
Missionary to Kazakhstan with WEC as Church Planter among Kazakh Muslim. 2005-15
Volunteer Staff at Worldview center, Tasmania, Australia. 2004-2005